Hot Shotz Scoreboard

Sunday, October 17, 2010


Warriors had their last softball tournament of the season over the weekend in Mesquite Nevada.  It was a good tourney to end with.  We all were soooo excited for it.  Especially being that we didn't know any of the other teams in the tournament.  2 of which came from Hawaii.  HanaPa'a and Hiki No.  The other team we later found out was our 8U All-Stars A team the Slammers.  Who are now known as DC Demise.  I guess 2 other teams backed out at the last minute...BOO them.  LOL.

We've been saving and planning and had a grand ol time there with everyone. Our team arrived late afternoon on Thursday. Started our weekend off with dinner at Eureka with the whole team and family supporters. Grateful for generous people who made it possible to eat some good ol' casino buffet and not have to pay for it...Love it! Hehe. We then all headed over to Virgin River for some night swimming and good ol bowling. What a fun way to start off the tournament weekend.. Had to get the fun all in before it was softball time.

Hawaii teams definitely came to do damage..hehehe.. They do softball all year round and it totally showed. They were good. Infact so good, we loss to them both and put us in the losers bracket.

We made it to the semi-final game beating out DC Demise from Bountiful to determine who would play the undefeated Hawaii (HanaPa'a) team for Championship. So once again we were gonna meet up with Hiki No. Earlier they barely beat us 9-8 in one of the most innings played game...7 to be exact. During this game though, our girls were determined to win. And you could tell by how well they played. Coach Ibrahim made adjustments to our outfielders and BAM we stopped them and won that game 14-8. It was AWESOME and at that point didn't care if we loss the Championship game. That is how awesome that win was. From the beginning we were on top and held them. Girls defense and offense was on point.

Championship game we played our game. But Hawaii played even harder. We loss the game and took 2nd. But it was one of the most fun games we had. Being that Hawaii coaches and players showed such good sportsmanship. We love the Hawaii teams. Every game they lei'd each girl and gave them a lil hawaiian souvenir or lihi-mui candy. It was sooo fun and the girls loved it sooo much.

I totally have to say the Hawaii teams made this tournament one of the best. They knew they were good but always showed good sportsmanship. They were sooo nice to share their spotlight with our team... After the game we talked and joked around with them.. What an awesome way to end of nice tournament.

We had such good support. So grateful for our WARRIORS FAMILY. Definitely a good way to end such an awesome softball season.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


So excited I can't sleep.  Good thing I'm not driving..LOL.  Back to Warriors softball one last time.  We will have 4 teams in our division.  Teams from Hawaii and Bountiful.  We can't wait to see what they are like. whoa.  They are coming all this way to play some softball.  Yippee!!!
Good luck to our team in Mesquite.  Have fun and play hard.  Also playing in Mesquite will be out sister team (LOL).  The 12U Islanders.  Older sisters of some of our team mates.  Good luck Islanders.  Do damage ladies!!!

Monday, October 11, 2010

It's Over..

10U Fall season that is..  We played our last double header tonite.  It definitely has been a learning experience.  Let me add frustrating too.  Hahaha.  We ended our season LOSING every single game.  We learned alot about the next level of play and have a whole LONNNNGGGGG list of things we really really need to work on.  Still excited we were able to get out there and get a feel of 10U ball play. 
Thank you girls for working hard and working with us mommies...  We'll try it again in 2011.  GO ISLAND GIRLS!!!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Island Girls

We have several girls on the team who have turned 9 this year and will have to play up in the 10U division this coming year.  We have a few girls who are still 8 years old who we think will be able to hang in the 10U division.  So we are moving up our team to 10U this fall to try it out.
We have several new girls that we've added to the squad as well.  Together we have a team of 11 girls.  And we have decided we are going to be called the "Island Girls".  We are a team of polynesian girls.  Of Samoan and Tongan decent.  And this will be start of another fun filled learning experience in the sport of Softball.
So while the daddies are busy coaching our sons with football, us mommies have put on our softball hats and we'll be learning and growing right along with our softball playing daughters.
We are also happy to have Epe from the neighborhood on board to help the girls.  Epe plays softball and knows the sport well.  We're excited for this season.  We know it'll be a tough one but we are willing to make that journey and learn and grow.




Coaches: Sunshine
Managers: Ligi

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Team Party 2010

Amy and Mark reserved their clubhouse for our team party..  We all met up around 1ish and slowly but surely everyone started to show up.  Got the grill going to grill patties and dogs.  We had salad, fruits, chips and tons tons of yummy goodie treats.
All the girls showed up with their family.  We had a great time swimming alll day long.  Finally at 9pm we started to clean and head home.
Definitely glad we could get together as a team and do something fun and not just play softball.  Thank you to everyone who made it such a success.  We love our WARRIORS family

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Happy Summer....WARRIORS!!!!

It definitely has been a fun all-star season.
The girls have learned sooo sooo much
You can see the progression in all of them.
Thank you to our devoted coaches.
And to our awesome supporting parents
We love our WARRIORS family.
Thank you..Coaches

Mark Manu
Tafoi Taloa
Kirk Ava
Rick Turner
Foti Vaenuku
Lance Masina
Mark Ibrahim

See ya Warriors at our team pool party...
And of course look out for us in Mesquite in October...

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Kaysville Tournament

With the drama in the West Valley tournament we were also told we could not participate in the Kaysville tourn. prob.  Fine with us.  However, people talked and voiced their opinions and because there are no official written rules in 8u softball, we were able to play.  Otherwise, most of the teams playing would have been disqualified. 
Anyhoo, it was a busy week for all.  With family vacations and functions going on.  However, everyone came out and played and had fun.  We won all games and had a good time.  Championship game came down to our 2 all-stars team from Bountiful.  The Slammers and us the Warriors. 
Bountiful Warriors were one again victorious.  Glad we could end the summer season on top with our other Bountiful Team....  Go Slammers and GOOOOOOO WARRIORS!!!!

Saturday, July 31, 2010

West Valley Classic

Pool play started Thursday July 29th.  Regular tourney games started Friday July 30th and went into  Saturday July 31.  Our first game we played against OMG Sliders.  I think over the summer, OMG teams have become our biggest opponent.  We had an early morning game time and had a hard time waking up.  Could really tell during the course of the game.  Didn't help that OMG were ready and all pumped to play.  They really came out and played.  As we had our fist LOSS of the All-Stars season during this game.  What a disappointment.  But we don't wanna dwell on that.  Just play harder and get back in it.. YEP that was the plan.
Our next game we played West Valley.  At this point we had been hearing rumors that teams are protesting our team.  For what?  We weren't really sure.  Finally in the middle of the game, our team was confronted.  Accused our team of playing and practicing together before the All Star season began.  Big lie as we have 4 new players on our team.  Told that we are disqualified because we won the previous tournaments.  No written rules of this.  If we won this tourn, we would not receive our trophies...ok, refund us our money.  And who gets disqualified for winning...LOL.  Called our team front of our girls.  Hold up, wait a you didn't just call us cheaters.  And all hell broke lose...
After much arguement and disagreement and talking and voicing our opponions, we were able to finish out the tournament.  And once again take 1st place..  We played hard and decided that we never want to be in the losers bracket AGAIN..  No way No how..  too many games and its tiring and long..  Good job lady WARRIORS on yet another CHAMPIONSHIP!!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

OMGS Tournament - Riverton, Utah

Oquirrh Mtn hosted our next tournament of the summer (July 15-17).  By far the HOTTEST of all tourney's so far.  We changed up our in field a bit and still saw success.  We love the girls and they are playing and meshing so well together.  You can really see the growth in each girl...its amazing.  Another championship under our belts.  Good job ladies.  Each girl got another medal and t-shirts.  Yes...another tee to add to our collection.  LOVE IT!!!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

SLC Champs - SLC, Utah

We played our 2nd tournament of the summer over the weekend (July 8-10).  We were 1 of 4 teams.  OMG Rage, Tville Sliders and Murray were the other participating teams.  It was originally schedule for play in Tville but yadayadayada, we ended up at Sunnyside Park in SLC.  It was a disappointing tourney only for the fact that we played the same teams over and over.  Had long waits in between games with just the 4 teams.  And just seemed like we wasted alot of time.  However, we are happy to say we came out victorious again.  And won 1st place.  Each girl got a medal, gold champion shoe laces and t-shirts.  We love getting t-shirts.  Hahaha..  We're still glad we joined this tournament.  Hopefully lesson learned for the coordinators!!!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Dash N Splash - Grantsville, Utah

We've had several scrimmage games and friendly tournaments to prep us for the all-stars tournaments.  We felt good about our team, but there is always room for improvement.  This past weekend we had our first official tournament in Grantsville, Utah.  Girls were excited but had a slow start.  Guess they really were nervous.  We played teams from all over the valley...Grantsville, Taylorsville, Riverton, West Valley, Murray.  We had a good time.  We won every game in the tournament to take 1st place and the 2010 Dash N Splash title.  We played OMG Rage in the title game.  Good job ladies.  Go Warriors!!!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Bountiful Warriors

The girls decided this year our All-Stars team will be called the 'WARRIORS'. 

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

2010 All - Stars

Because our team took first place in the regular season, our coaches will be the coaches of one of the All-Stars team.  And had the option to pick the girls for their team.  We loved our regular season team so decided we'd take our girls and pick up a few others.  We have 9 of our 13 girls playing All-Stars and then picked up 3 from the other teams.  We love our All-Stars team.  We have skills, power and energy on our team.  I know we are going to be successful.  We've started practice and getting ourselves ready for summer tournament.  We are soooo excited and can not wait. 

Our All-Star Roster:
Cheyenne (Bubblegum)
Katyana (Bubbles)

Mark M
Mark I

Team Name: Bountiful Warriors

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

2010 Spring Softball

Spring Softball Team - Blue Bombers. 
This is our spring 2010 team for the Bountiful Bonnet Ball League.  We decided this year we'd pick up girls from Rose Park so that it would be easier on practice schedule.  We had girls ranging from age 5 to 8.  Some have been playing for a couple of  seasons.  Some who are first timers.  Everyone enjoyed themselves.  You could tell the progression of each girl by the end of the season.  They all did really well and learned alot.  We ended our season being undefeated.  Scoring in the double digits EVERY game.  Sometimes even shutting out the opposing teams.  Thank you girls and coaches for such a great season.  

Team: Brooklyn, Kamerin
Lua, Daisy, Naki
Dana, Bubbles, Bubblegum, Huntyr, Kamora, Josie and Asia
Coaches: Mark, Fo'i and Kirk