Hot Shotz Scoreboard

Saturday, July 31, 2010

West Valley Classic

Pool play started Thursday July 29th.  Regular tourney games started Friday July 30th and went into  Saturday July 31.  Our first game we played against OMG Sliders.  I think over the summer, OMG teams have become our biggest opponent.  We had an early morning game time and had a hard time waking up.  Could really tell during the course of the game.  Didn't help that OMG were ready and all pumped to play.  They really came out and played.  As we had our fist LOSS of the All-Stars season during this game.  What a disappointment.  But we don't wanna dwell on that.  Just play harder and get back in it.. YEP that was the plan.
Our next game we played West Valley.  At this point we had been hearing rumors that teams are protesting our team.  For what?  We weren't really sure.  Finally in the middle of the game, our team was confronted.  Accused our team of playing and practicing together before the All Star season began.  Big lie as we have 4 new players on our team.  Told that we are disqualified because we won the previous tournaments.  No written rules of this.  If we won this tourn, we would not receive our trophies...ok, refund us our money.  And who gets disqualified for winning...LOL.  Called our team front of our girls.  Hold up, wait a you didn't just call us cheaters.  And all hell broke lose...
After much arguement and disagreement and talking and voicing our opponions, we were able to finish out the tournament.  And once again take 1st place..  We played hard and decided that we never want to be in the losers bracket AGAIN..  No way No how..  too many games and its tiring and long..  Good job lady WARRIORS on yet another CHAMPIONSHIP!!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

OMGS Tournament - Riverton, Utah

Oquirrh Mtn hosted our next tournament of the summer (July 15-17).  By far the HOTTEST of all tourney's so far.  We changed up our in field a bit and still saw success.  We love the girls and they are playing and meshing so well together.  You can really see the growth in each girl...its amazing.  Another championship under our belts.  Good job ladies.  Each girl got another medal and t-shirts.  Yes...another tee to add to our collection.  LOVE IT!!!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

SLC Champs - SLC, Utah

We played our 2nd tournament of the summer over the weekend (July 8-10).  We were 1 of 4 teams.  OMG Rage, Tville Sliders and Murray were the other participating teams.  It was originally schedule for play in Tville but yadayadayada, we ended up at Sunnyside Park in SLC.  It was a disappointing tourney only for the fact that we played the same teams over and over.  Had long waits in between games with just the 4 teams.  And just seemed like we wasted alot of time.  However, we are happy to say we came out victorious again.  And won 1st place.  Each girl got a medal, gold champion shoe laces and t-shirts.  We love getting t-shirts.  Hahaha..  We're still glad we joined this tournament.  Hopefully lesson learned for the coordinators!!!