Hot Shotz Scoreboard

Sunday, November 6, 2011

10u Deseret Falls Tourn

 Last tournament of the year.. Yay!!  We have been soo happy with the success of the team this fall.  We didn't bother backing out of the opportunity to go to St George when the coach asked .. Yeah, we are softball feens!!  LOL..

Although the participation was disappointing, the girls always have a great time playing the sport they love. 

And who would have thought St George would be that cold.. Yes it was winter, but we just assumed that it being in southern Utah we wouldn't get the cold winter like we do back home in Salt Lake.  Such rookies.. LOL

Even with the cold freeziing windy rainy weather our girls played their game and had fun. 

We made it to the ship game undefeated.  And played a very good team UC Revolution.  Fun times with the girls.

We love that we got fleece blankets instead of a t-shirts.  So appropriate with the cold weather we had.

Now time to put the cleats and gloves away for a little while and just enjoy being kids.. YAY!!

The girls sporting their newest uniforms for the year.. Hopefully two or three years.. haha.  Not the way these girls hustle and play..

Looking lovely ladies!!!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

10u The Last Stand

The last tournament of the year in our area..Brrrrr.
The Last Stand in South Jordan Utah
The trophy was bigger than the girls.  It was sooo fun to have that as our trophy.

Fun tournament.. Ship game played against Utah Valley Fever

Sunday, October 16, 2011

10u Gift for Kids

Huntyr, Kamora, Keisha, Bubblegum
Brooklyn, Tuli, Daisy
The only pic i have from Mesquite :(
 Our lil ol Hot Shotz team has been playing really well and so we definitely wanted to keep playing.  So off to Mesquite we go.  Plus after the fun experience we had with Warriors last year, we really were excited to go again this year.  There were a total of 7 teams playing.  From Utah, Nevada and California.  That was pretty exciting for us.  We were able to play our game and win a few .. Beat a nail biter game against the California team with the cocky head coach and making rude comments about our lil ol pitcher Alyxx.. Shut him up when we won that game.. In your face fool!!! Hahaha.  We later loss to Inferno and knocked out of the tournament and placed 5th..LOL.  Yep..oh well.  We still enjoyed our time there and made the best of our time.  good job Hot Shotz!!!

Monday, September 19, 2011

10u Redwood Fall League

We had try out for our 10u team late in July.  So this was the first league we played together as a team with our new players.  We had a total of 4 new girls added to our team.  That meant some of our team mates from our spring league team did not make it back on the team..
We are sooo happy with the new additions to the team.  Good talent and smart players. 
Champs in the Fall League @ Redwood Rec
Hot Shotz Hoo-Rah!!!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

10u Wacky Warrior's

This was the first we've heard of the Wacky Warrior.  Although this was its 3rd year of holding a tournament.  The tournament is a charity event held in honor of a young man who was diagnosed and recently passed from his battle with cancer.  What a great way for our girls to play the sport they love and give back to this young man and all those battling this deadly disease.  Thank you to all the organizers and supporters.  It was one of our most favorite relaxing tournaments.  Our love goes out to the family of Nick.  You definitely doing an awesome thing by keeping the tournament going. Nick was definitely a blessed young man to have the family and support of you all.  Thank you.
Great job ladies for going undefeated through out the tournament.  Definitely an awesome experience.

1st place - Hot Shotz
2nd place - CC Dirt Devils

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Summer Splash Out 2011

This tourn was held in Tooele.. 10u tourn.. We played some good teams.  We ended in some good battles beating out Liberty to play Xplosion team in championship. And yes we won !!!! Good job girls. Way to play!!!  this is the team.. We coming to get ya.. LOL.. Hot Shotz Hoorah!!

Monday, July 11, 2011

ISA World Series 2011

This past weekend Flames and our HS girls teams played in the ISA World Series held in Taylorsville...  Great location as its close to home.  2 day tournament that from July 8 to 9..  I can't believe I didn't get any pictures.. I am terrible.  Anyhoo, both teams were tournament Champions in their division.  It was definitely an exciting time for us all.  Especially our HS girls who's team has really had a struggle.  So it was nice to see them win to help boost their confidence.  Excited for the future of all our Rose Park girls playing fastpitch softball!!!!


Our first CHAMPIONSHIP with Hot Shotz.  Very proud moment for our girls ..
Can't remember the team we played.  I believe they were from Vernal.  Good job girls..


Flames vs Tville All-Stars

Good job girls.. Talented girls for sure.  Keep it up.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Dash N Splash 2011

We have come to L O V E - LOVE the Dash N Splash tournaments.  Its the first one to kick off the summer tournament season and we love that we get to swim in their big fun pool..hehe.  Our lil Flames played in the 8u division.  Our older girls played with the HS team in the accelerated 10u division.  So it was an exciting weekend for all.  Especially the Flames being this was their first tournament with the new team members.  Last year our team the Warriors won the Championship.  and quite frankly, we wanted it again this year..

Some were happy to see us there, Alot were not.  LOL.  But like anything else, your always gonna have supporters and HATERS.  Oh well, we ignore their little comments and play the game.  Thank goodness the lil girls could care less about the gossip and just had a fun time playing and bonding with each other...

The tournament was fun all around.  Our girls bats were hot and defense was on point.  Each and everyone of them did a fantastic job.  There were a few familiar teams from last year and we were impressed with their play as well.  Teams like Taylorsville, Grantsville, Murray and West Valley all came to play.. It was an all around good tournament.  And of course, the best part...WE WON THE CHAMPIONSHIP!!!!  Good work Flames.  With all the talk and hating, i wouldn't be surprised if this is the only tournament we have all summer..  We'll just have to start practicing the 10u rules and play to get them prepared for fall season... Our HS girls team didnt do well at all.  The team did not connect at all.  Total bummer.  Maybe next time we'll bring out our A game..  We did have fun supporting our Flames girls.. Love that we can all be on different teams and love to support each other.. Go Flames and Hot Shotz

Thank you girls for being such great athletes on and off the field
Thank you coaches for your time and dedication to these girls
We love our new Flames family!!!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

New Name...

Coach T decided he was gonna go with an 8U team this summer season.  So only girls with 2002 birthdate of younger were going to play.  We were able to have most of the original girls return to play this summer.  And with other 4 moved up, we were able to pick up some new players. Practice has started for what summer tournaments our team is able to attend.  Which is looking scarse..  Some people I tell you.. Oh well, We'll make the best of it and this fall would all should be ready for 10u ball games.. 

Oh I almost forgot.. (duh)  So with the new additions to the team, the girls decided they wanted to go with a new team name.  I was bummed..haha  But we are excited for the new name which apparently isn't new to the softball fastpitch community.  So say hello to the Flames made up of girls from Rose Park, Glendale, Woodscross and Bountiful. 

Here we go Flames...

Coach T, Asia, Alex, Brooklyn, Gracie, Emma
Janie, Deshauni, Josie (her lil bro Monson), Bubbles
Lucy, Dana, Lome and our mascot Daisy (lol, who is with Hot Shotz)

Sunday, May 29, 2011

New softball family..

A few of our older girls could no longer play in the 8u division.  So they have moved up to 10u and have found a new softball family with Utah Hot Shotz.  This is a great organization in the fastpitch Utah community and we have been learning and growing with them since spring season ended.  Daisy (who still officially can play 8u), Huntyr, Kamora and BubbleGum have moved up.  They have been playing HS fastpitch since May of this year.  They have seen many low's and high's with the new team.  But they definitely are enjoying their experience.  Their team is the younger group and a brand new team.  So its been a struggle.  We've lost more games then we've won.  But they definitely have progressed in the game.  We are proud to be with Utah HS and hope to be here for a while.. Hot Shotz Hoo-rah!!!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Goodbye Spring...

We played our last spring season game today.  It definitely has been a good season.  We won every game.  Honestly there is no competition in rec league.  But we gotta do what we gotta do.  The girls learned alot.  The coaches learned alot.  I think next season we'll move everyone up to 12's.  We'll see. has been a good time getting to know the new players.  Everyone is exacted for the next time to play again.  Team party coming up on Friday...

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Spring Season 2011... coming to an end.  It has definitely been a long season.  And a learning one too..  We ended the season with 14 girls on the team...  Yes FOURTEEN.  Like whoa..  Chaos trying to sub everyone out to where they are playing enough.  Fortunately it has all worked out..  We are undefeated this season.  Big shout out to all our parents and players...

Saturday, April 16, 2011

First game of the season

With all the cold and wet weather we've been having it was a miracle that the first game day happened.  Our girls were sooo excited to get started once again with this season.  We are playing at Northwest Rec this spring.  We have most of our original squad on the team.  A few who are in other leagues or have just decided that softball is not for them.  So with that, we have several new players who are first year players.  All good tho'.  We welcome everyone and will learn and grow right along with them.  Our team now consist of 13 girls.  Daisy, Dana, Huntyr, Kamora, Bubbles, Josie, Asia are the original girls we still have.  Then we've added Deedee, Ame, Lina, Naina, Siai and Lesieli.  Some girls are still on spring break and we've yet to meet.  But we are excited.  We played our first game today and won with a score of 12-0.  We were off to a slow start and just couldn't get the bats on.  But once it started, it was domino effect on everyone.  Even our new girls.  We're excited for this season.  Lets go WARRIORS!!!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Spring Softball

Basketball officially ended last week with a Championship under our belt.  We didn't have our whole softball team playing bball.  It was still nice to play together with the girls we love.  For semi-finals we played against softball team Rage from South Jordan.  It was nice to see that they too have a good group of girls that love playing bball together as well.  We love the girls on our team and hopefully can keep them all together til high school.. that bball is officially over... HERE WE COME SOFTBALL...

Thursday, January 20, 2011


Though we aren't actually playing softball yet this year, It definitely has been on our minds.  We can't wait to get this year going.  We have alot of work to do and money to raise to make it a good season.  Wish us luck.  Lets go Island Girls!!!