Hot Shotz Scoreboard

Sunday, November 6, 2011

10u Deseret Falls Tourn

 Last tournament of the year.. Yay!!  We have been soo happy with the success of the team this fall.  We didn't bother backing out of the opportunity to go to St George when the coach asked .. Yeah, we are softball feens!!  LOL..

Although the participation was disappointing, the girls always have a great time playing the sport they love. 

And who would have thought St George would be that cold.. Yes it was winter, but we just assumed that it being in southern Utah we wouldn't get the cold winter like we do back home in Salt Lake.  Such rookies.. LOL

Even with the cold freeziing windy rainy weather our girls played their game and had fun. 

We made it to the ship game undefeated.  And played a very good team UC Revolution.  Fun times with the girls.

We love that we got fleece blankets instead of a t-shirts.  So appropriate with the cold weather we had.

Now time to put the cleats and gloves away for a little while and just enjoy being kids.. YAY!!

The girls sporting their newest uniforms for the year.. Hopefully two or three years.. haha.  Not the way these girls hustle and play..

Looking lovely ladies!!!