Hot Shotz Scoreboard

Monday, November 12, 2012

10u Desert Falls - St George

Can you tell we have softball fever?  Never can get enough of balling.  It was originally planned that Mesquite was the last tournament for the season.  Last minute some parents wanted to do St George.. So on to St George we went with most of our girls..

There was a total of 9 teams there.  Director hadoriginally said 15 teams were coming.. IDK what happened to the other teams.  But Angels '01, Predators, Hive, Nationals, Voodoo, Avengers '01, Evolution, Revolution and BOOM all showed up to play.

It was nice that it started later in the evening so most of us didn't head out til Friday morning.  The weather was pretty nice as well.  Still very cold but no rain or snow.  Yay!  We had a pretty easy pool but you still don't wanna underestimate any team.  We won those games and played our first bracket game against Angels which we loss 2-1.. :(  Still good that they kept them at a close score. 

We battled and played our way in the losers bracket and met up with Angels again.  Angels is up the most of the game.  Time expired and we are the home team.  We battled and scored.  Bases loaded.  Mary hits one over 2nd base head and score 1 to tie the game.  Yay.. Daisy takes a walk and in walks the WINNING score.  Oh yeah.. we going to semifinals.  And who against, our nemesis Hive.  haha.  Girls are just pumped and on fire after beating an older team.  And they definitely didn't dissapoint in semi's vs Hive.  We were up the whole game.  Bubbles and Aubrey helped by both hitting HR's this game to keep us ahead.  By the time of the last inning, the score was 8-4 and we won.  fair and square and they couldn't protest a dayum thing.  The coach tried to question the speed up runner.. but really does that surprise you.  They couldn't question/protest a dang thing like he always tries to do.  its really quite obnoxious and hello.. how long have you been coaching..hahaha.

Well by now it is about 1030 and we going into the championship game.. like WTH, it was scheduled to finish at 730 haha.  It is freezing cold.  so cold it felt like my legs are frost biten. hhaha. We played Predators.  All i know is we loss 4-1 but we so dang proud of the girls.  Predators has been blasting on teams this whole tournament by double digits.  Even after playing all day long and being hungry and freezing cold BOOM held this team to only 4 points.  We couldn't be more proud.  It was a great tournament and what a way to end the season.  They definitely did not disappoint.  Second place is just as good.  BOOM!!!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

12u SoJo League CHAMPS

yep.. our ladies in HOT pink SHOTZ took another one home.  And on Halloween eve with nice cool weather.  The final tournament of the league was delayed several weeks due to weather.  We were glad to finally get it done with and end our fall season off on a good note.  An unfortunate loss to UT Predators due to weather put us in the losers bracket.  We played our way back into the SHIP battle-ing undefeated 2nd year 12u Liberty.. Of course that meant we had to beat them twice to be CHAMPIONS.  and that we did.  First game we were up the whole game.  However, they were the home team.  Time expires and they are batting and scoring.. How nerve wrecking.  they could have caught up and won.  Fortunately our girls defense held them and won a close one of 5-4.. Now to do it again.. Girls are on a high from their win.  So much so that the IF game was cake.  No seriously it was..  We won the actual SHIP game 10-2 and brought home another medal and title.  So proud of these girls.  12u is looking darn good for us so far.. Lets keep it going ladies.. And that is the END of the season.. Get to rest a lil and then bring it on 2013..

We got together and made dinner for the team .. Good times.  We definitely need to do this more often.  Happy parents equals a happy team..haha 

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Gift for Kids in Mesquite Oct 19-20

We traveled to Mesquite for one last tournament of the yeAr. We all went several years back as the Warriors playing 8u. Last year the Hot Shotz girls went and played in 10u and didn't even place in top 3 ;(.. This year both teams went out with high hopes.

10u had 8 teams participate. Boom sported their new awesome uniforms.. They were looking pretty good.. So good they won both pool games to put them at the top of their bracket. Whoot whoot.. They've been working hard on batting during practice and it totally showed at the games. Girls were swinging at better pitches and when connecting they were killing that ball. What a good feeling to watch their success. They played hard and did it to themselves to end the tourn in 4th place. Errors kills. But we learn and move on.

Hot Shotz Coaches had planned to do 10u. Some of us parents were not having it. We already dominated the 10a here in SLC. Why would we wanna bully the same teams in mesquite. Lol. Well I hope they were satisfied with our performance in Mesquite b/c the girls played darn good. We tied in pool play with Inferno who several weeks earlier at the predator Throwdown beat our butts pretty good. Not this time. We tied 4-4 came up from behind to tie it up. Oh yeah. We beat 2nd year teams like Sandlit Reign and Toxic in intense games. Our defense was hot and bats and hustle Around the bases helped us win those games. We were on a total high. We were eliminated by 1st year 14u teams who played down. But we head them at 6 points which was major big for our team. We ended 5th out of 21 teams. Big stuff for our girls.. So proud of them all.. Hot Shotz HoorAh!!!!

More Pics from Mesquite ... BOOM

Sunday, October 7, 2012

The Last Stand 2012

Winter is coming.. We felt it this weekend playing in the Last Stand .. Hot Shotz in 12u division and Boom in 10u division.  There was a total 6 teams per division.  But it definitely was a good time of playing..

Hot Shotz had several big highlight of the tournament.  We lost to a 2nd year Surge team who are a good team.  And coming back and winning them in the losers bracket.. What a nail biter.  We comfortably won them that second game.  But you still can't underestimate them and we needed to come with out A game.  We made in to the ship.. playing a new accellerated team from Grantsville.. They definitely came to play and we had to turn it up big time to beat them twice.  We had to play catch up after time expired and we were home team to take the 2nd and final game .. we wont 54 and declared the LAST team STANDing.. It was an awesome finish.  Girls are playing so well and we couldn't be any more proud of them.  We love our hot pink hoodies too..

Boom cruised pretty in the winner bracket all tournament long.  The definitely deserved that.. The ship games were tuff loses for them.  It was there but errors all around just couldn't finish off their games with a win.  They are still Champs in my book.  Girls are progressing so much and you can see the growth.  This team has alot of talent.  Good job girls.. We'll get them next time.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Predator Throwdown 2012

Tournament held in Tooele. 12u had 6 teams participate. 10u had 4. Girls played their game. HotHotz taking 3rd behind a very good Inferno and Utah Elite team.. No mistaking these will make our girls work hard. But that's the kind of games we like. It makes us better and motivates everyone.

Boom signed up last minute.. But we figure every chance we get to play, we'll take it.. It was a good experience. We learned alot. Ended the tournament in 2nd place. Not bad at all

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Wacky Warriors 2012

This has become one of our most favorite tournaments to do. Thankfully our teams have been able to participate. For one, all funds are going to a great cause "CANCER" and its fun with the different activities and contest going on. And you have an excuse to just be wild and wacky :) Check out the tournament info at During the skills contest our girls Huntyr (12u) and Josie (10u) as well as Huntyr's sister Breah (14u) took first place for HomeRun hitter.

It was Hot Shotz official first tournament as first year 12s. It was a good experience. We faired well against the first year teams. We had to try harder against the more experienced team. But it was still good fun and we enjoyed the experience.

Utah Boom finished 3rd in the tournament. Not too bad at all.. The girls had a good time and you can see the progression in them all.. Bummer I didn't get any pictures of them..

So enjoy some silly pictures of our Hot Shotz girls..                                                                                                    
Players this fall: Daisy, Harlie (not pictured), Huntyr, Kamora, Katelynn, Keisha, Alyxx, Aislyn, Tylor, Malia and Mandee

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Triple Crown -- Park City 2012

Park City play was a good experience for our girls. We played teams from Utah, California and Nevada. After winning all our pool games, that put us in the upper bracket play. Good job for our girls. We easily won our first bracket game. Then it was the battle of the undefeated teams, us (HS) and Athletics. We struggled with our bats. But our defense held them.. Finally after battling hard they went up and won the game. Put us in the losers bracket. Weather turned for the worst. We played rage who we beat in pool and lost. End of the tourn and season for us.. So sad to end it as we felt we could go all the way ;( live and learn. We'll get them next time.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Park City Cont...

So pool play is done with. We had 4 games total. Played 3 Southern Cali team (Rage, Rampage, Majestix) and 1 team from home here in Utah (DiamondHeels). All games were played in Park City - Treasure Mtn Fields. The scenery was sooo beautiful. To be that close to the mountains. And the weather was perfect. Not too hot and with a cool breeze. Loved it. The girls played well. Had a few nail biter games. But pooled it out and won all games seeding us 1 in our pool. And in the GOLD bracket. Winning that first game against So Cal Rage gave us parents confidence that we can hang as we thought back to our experience in Vegas ;). Defense is on point. Pitching, fielding..everything. Our team has been struggling with their bats but fortunately we've had some good hits to help us get on board. It definitely has been a team effort with the girls and coaches and we're loving their success. Today will be their first bracket game. Good luck Hot Shotz! Here we go.....

Monday, July 16, 2012

Triple Crown 10u - Park City

Today starts our biggest tournament yet.  A week long of activities and games right here in our own backyard.  We are sooo excited for the girls.  And nervous too..LOL.

Our team did not participate in the skills portion of it.  But the girls and coaches did go to opening ceremonies and walked the parade.  Coach Julie made the banner and cordinated the girls costumes.  We went as hula girls.  hahaha  Alooooohhhhaaa.  It was last minute .. all good, the girls look beautiful and had such a fun time in the parade shouting their cheers and just being proud to represent their team.. Afterwhich they were able to trade pins with the other teams.  That was probably the high light of the evening.  Seeing all the different cool pins.  I love this and soo glad the girls could experience a ol' sooo fun part of softball!!!

Now the rest of the week will be time to put in work!!  On the field.  Here we go HOT SHOTZ!!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

10u Brigham City Invitational

 In continuous preparation for the 10u Triple Crown this week in Park City we played another 10u tournament.  This time around in Brigham City.  Thankfully it was only a Friday Saturday tourn. 
There was a total of 11 teams playing.  It was a great turnout. We noticed we play alot of different teams out in BC.  That always make the far trek bearable.  ;0)

We went 2-0 in pool play.  Our 2nd pool game was against a team we have never played Southern Idaho Ice.  It was a very good game.  They went up first on the scoreboard and made us fight our way back into the game.  They had very good batters and a good team overall.  Luckily we came back and won the game by 1 point.  ..

We went undefeated the whole tournament and played the Trementon Sliders in the Ship game.  This would have been the 3rd tournament we've played the Sliders in the Ship game.  They are a very good team.  We won with a school of 7-4. 

The girls got Nike bags for their reward.  The girls love their bags although the moms would have preferred the beach towels.  hahaha. 

Good job ladies.  Hot Shotz HooRah!!!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

10u State Tournament

In preparation for the 10u Triple Crown in a few weeks our HS team will be doing tournaments in the 10u division.  The ASA State Tournament being one of them. 
Games started early Friday morning and we were done by late afternoon Saturday.  Which was nice and we got to rest easily for the sabbath..
Aint gonna lie, we easily won games this tournament.  And I don't say it in a bragging way.  The girls have just soo much confidence playing up in the 12u division that playing 10s comes easily.  Well at least thats how I see it.  Haha!!  There are still some good teams in 10u that we need to turn it up on.. Like the Sliders!  They have a very fast pitcher and a good team.  So when we play them, we really need to bring our A game.  Girls bats where hot this tournament.  Everyone hit that ball and made crucial plays and scores.  I love it .. And of course Ms HUNTYR hit one OVER THE FENCE.  Good stuff.. We did play a very good Sliders team in the ship game.  We won with a score of 7-4.  Congrats to our 10u team for taking the State title this year.  Thats big deal for us.. Great tournament!!!

Our 10u girls posing with our 12u champs #HotShotz
Bubblegum, Rayna, Huntyr, Aloma, Kamora

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Dash N Splash 2012

We look forward to going out to Grantsville for Dash N Splash each year.. We've gone for the past 5  years on various teams and age divisions and it always is fun.  And it not just for the swimming..hahaha. 

12u Dash N Splash 2012
Our HotShotz girl had a good ol time.  I love that the girls are soo comfortable playing in the 12u brackets.  They are at a point now that its the game and they wanna just play an win.  No more being nervous b/c we are 10s playing up in the 12s.  Its all about playing the game at their best and being proud no matter the outcome.  The more and more we play 12s, the father we advance.  This tournament we placed 5th or 6th out of 14 teams.  We are soo proud of the girls.  The biggest hi-lite of the tourn is beating a very good team Xplosion.  They have always beat our team easily.  And this tourn we just played well, hit the ball well, they couldn't hit off our pitcher .. it was just a nice game that we won.  I know if we meet up again, they will give it to us good.  But for now we're gonna enjoy that our lil team beat their really good team.  hehe. 

Huntyr cruises home with no worry at all.  She hit another one over the fence.. WTG Tee.. The only 10u I know that did that in the 12u division.  How amazing.  She is such a smart talented player.  We are sooo proud of her.  Good job Huntyr!!

Our Boom girls are soo fun to watch.  They played in the 10u accelerated division.  They still and learning and growing and its great to see that the more they play tournament, the more progress they make.  I am sooo proud of these girls.  They played hard and finished 3rd overall..  Good job girls!!!
Poor Coach was beat .. Working a 3am shift and then straight to the ball park..
He 'died ugly' hahaha

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Brigham City Invitational 12u

We drove to Idaho..oops I mean Brig City for this weekends tournament.  What a beautiful lil town.  We played as 12s this weekend.  There was a total of 13 teams participating. 

Pool games started on Thursday.  First game against Attitude Roadrunners.  It was a good game.  The girls played well and we won that game.
Second pool game was against Utah Rebels.  This would be our first time playing this team.  Final score of the game was 2-1 Rebels.  What an intense ending.  Good game for the girls tho.

Bracket games were played on Friday and Saturday.  For as far as we were driving, I didn't like that it was sooo spread out.  But with everyones work sched's, we didn't plan accomdations closer to BC.  Oh well.  Our first brack game was played against Syndrome.  We had never played this team either.  The funny thing is, they played shallow, infield and outfield when our team went up to bat first.  Right after they figured out our girls are hitter, everyone moved back.  Its always funny to watch.  LOL.  We won that game 7-5.  Thank goodness cause I thought for sure we'd be out by Saturday.  I'm soo horrible.  2nd game was against a very good SL Pegasus team.  No words other than, good pitcher that our bats just would not come.  Oh well.. I think final on that game was 10-0.  Wow..

Saturday morning we played Fury and Swatt.. We won both games and kept us in there longer than any of us had expected.  We were illiminated by Kaos team with a score of 9-1.  it was too bad.  But the girls had a great time.  The thing we loved about this tournament is that fact that we played teams we haven't played all season.  The girls played well in the 12u division and it showed by how far we went in the tourn.  They progress more and more.  Keep it up ladies!!!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

10u Best of the West

This was a long tournament. Games were stretched from thursday to Friday. Both Hot Shotz and Boom participated. After several pool games teams split into 2 brackets. Thankfully both teams werein diff brackets hehe. HS in A bracket. Boom in B bracket.

Hot Shotz '01
Coach Gabe, Kaitlyn, Bubblegum, Coach Julie
Keisha, Daisy, Huntyr, Coach Averil
Brooklyn, Harlie, Kamora, Alyxx, Libby

Our HS girls played well and was undefeated throughout.. Our semi-final game against Sliders was intense.  The score was tied a 1 for several innings.  And they were the home team.  When time finally expired we had our last at bat and we were at the bottom of our line up.  How nerve racking.  Our lil girls came thru for us tho.  Our 6, 7, 8 batters all got on base.  Alyxx, Libby, Brooklyn.  Daisy was our #9 batter.  Bases are now loaded.  I'm a nervous reck.  She gets 2 strikes.  Finally connects with the ball with a hit over right fields head.. GRAND SLAM everyone comes home.  Score is now 5-1.  Totally awesome .. But they were home team.  Fortunately we were able to only allow them 2 more runs before ending the game.  Final score was 5-3. Awesome game.  And on to the ship game we went.. it Started @ 1030pm after a 4 hour rest.. Boy were we tired.  We fought back and forth in the Ship game as well.. it went into international tie breaker against a very good Sliders team. Final score of 7-6 to give us the lead and win.. We are CHAMPS.  i LOVE that our girls are hitting and hitting.  We have a couple grand slams and many home runs throughout the tournament.  I am sooo very proud of them all..


Boom '02
Shambre, Asia, Teya, Brooklyn, Dashani, Josie, Dana
Coach Gil, Lome, Janae, Bubbles and Coach Foi

It was a slow start during Pool gams.  Lost all 3 games.  Even lost first bracket game and had to fight to stay in .. They played 6 back to back games and hung in there and stayed in it to play in the SHIP game that night.. It started at 1030pm as well.. And by then the weather was cold and windy and starting to sprinkle. It was a slow game and they eventually lost to a very good UC Diamond Heels team.  Score of 7-1.  Still very proud of these young girls.  They are learning and growing and enjoying their time.  2nd place is a good start for tournament play.. Good job BOOM!!.


We went home tired cold and happy .. We got home after midnight .. All for the love of softball ;)

Sunday, June 3, 2012

10u Copper Classic

We have playing 12u all year long and getting our butts kids .. So to keep our girls sane and boost their confidence back to 10u division we went for this tournament.  Well at least thats how I saw it.. LOL  There were 10 teams total that participated.
It was an adjustment to go back to the smalled 11' ball and the slower pitching. We all anticipated this. Our girls had a struggle at bat. And our first innings always showed it. The pitching is slower than in the 12u division which the girls have gotten use too. Fortunately everyone was able to get the hang of it and hit hit hit that ball.. We had 3 infield homerun hits by Daisy, Huntyr and Kamora.. Winning that game against UC Revolution put us in the Championship game.. YAY!!
UC Revolution played Sliders to determine who would play our team in the ship game. During the ship game against Rev, Ms Huntyr hit an over the fence HOMERUN.. It was a nice hit. First one (over the fence) in her career. Trust it won't be the last. Good job Huntyr Girl..
Our team came out Champions. Definitely a fun game. Big props to UC Rev's..they definitely have a great team and always fun times when we play them.
Hot Shotz Hoorah!!!